
歌曲《God Is A Girl》歌词

谁唱的:Groove Coverage&庄心妍发行时间:未知

God Is A Girl (feat庄心妍) - Groove Coverage/庄心妍


Written by:Axel Konrad/Ole Wierk/Per Hakan Gessle/David Lou Bega


Published by:Edition Suprime/Roba Musikverlag/Unicade Publishing/HipHappy/EMI Publishing


Produced by:Axel Konrad & Jason OK @ Suprime Studios Ingolstadt/Germany






Remembering me discover and see

将我铭记于心 探索未知迷惘

All over the world she's known as a girl

举世皆知 上帝是个女孩

To those who are free their minds shall be key

Forgotten as the past 'cause history will last

忘记以往 因为历史将会延续

God is a girl wherever you are

上帝是个女孩 无论你身处何方

Do you believe it can you receive it

你能相信吗 你会接受吗

God is a girl whatever you say

上帝是个女孩 无论你如何分说

Do you believe it can you receive it

你能相信吗 你会接受吗

God is a girl however you live

上帝是个女孩 无论你如何活着

Do you believe it can you receive it

你能相信吗 你会接受吗

God is a girl she's only a girl

上帝是个女孩 她只是一个女孩

Do you believe it can you receive it

你能相信吗 你会接受吗

She wants to shine forever in time


She is so driven she's always mine

她如此活力满满 她永远属于我

Clearly and free she wants you to be

显而易见 她希望你能够自由

A part of the future a girl like me

未来某刻 一个像我的女孩

There is a sky illuminating us


Someone is out there that we truly trust


There is a rainbow for you and me


A beautiful sunrise eternally


God is a girl wherever you are

上帝是个女孩 无论你身处何方

Do you believe it can you receive it

你能相信吗 你会接受吗

God is a girl whatever you say

上帝是个女孩 无论你如何分说

Do you believe it can you receive it

你能相信吗 你会接受吗

God is a girl however you live

上帝是个女孩 无论你如何活着

Do you believe it can you receive it

你能相信吗 你会接受吗

God is a girl she's only a girl

上帝是个女孩 她只是一个女孩

Do you believe it can you receive it

你能相信吗 你会接受吗
