
歌曲《A For Apple B For Boy》歌词


A For Apple B For Boy - Twins


Lyrics by:Armando Lai


Composed by:Joseph Koo


A B C D E F G sing a song of A B C

唱一首关于a b c的歌

Come on boys and come on girls

男孩女孩们 让我们一起来

Sing a song of A B C

唱一首关于a b c的歌

A for Apple B for Boy

A代表苹果 b代表男孩

C for Cat and D for Dog

C是猫咪 而d是小狗

E for Egg and F for Fish

E是鸡蛋 而f是鱼

G for Girl and H for Hand

G是女孩 而h是手

I for Ice-cream and J for Jet

I是冰淇淋 j是Jet

K for Kite and L for Lamp

K是风筝 l是电灯

M for Man and N for Nose

M是男人 而n是鼻子

O for Orange and P for Pen

O是橘子 而p是铅笔

Q for Queen and R for Rain

Q是女王 而r是雨

S for Sugar and T for tree

S是糖 而t是树

U for Umbrella and V for Van

U是伞 而v是货车

W for Water and X for X'mas

W是水 而x是圣诞节

Y for Yellow and Z for Zoo

Y是黄色 而z是动物园

It's so simple all can do

这很简单 让我们一起来

Come on boys and come on girls

男孩女孩们 让我们一起来

Sing a song of A B C

唱一首关于a b c的歌

A B C D E F G sing a song of A B C

唱一首关于a b c的歌

Come on boys and come on girls

男孩女孩们 让我们一起来
