
歌曲《Pump It Up》歌词









Pump It Up - 泽亦龙

You know you got to sing along.

Don't you know, pump it up,

You've got to pump it up,

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up,

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know, pump it up,

You've got to pump it up,

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,

You've got to pump it up,

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know, pump it up,

You've got to pump it up.

Say I can feel it

What's the name of the jam

Say I can feel it

You know you can

I've got my groove on

And I'm ready to go

Check out my right girl

But don't touch my radio

Don't you know, pump it up,

You've got to pump it up,

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know pump it up,

The party's jumpin'

And the vibe feels so strong.

Throw your hands in the air,

Lif your head up high,

Don't you know, pump it up,

You've got to pump it up,

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Got the feeling

What's the name of the jam

Say I can feel it

You know you can

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up

Don't you know pump it up,

You've got to pump it up
