

公司法人 张磊 所属城市 芜湖市 所属省份 安徽省
公司网址 http://www.ahliangce.com 联系电话 17355362028 联系邮箱 475007954@qq.com
成立时间 2017-12-19 公司类型 有限责任公司 所属行业 商务服务业
注册资本 500万人民币 实缴资本 0人民币 人员规模 小于50人
地址 安徽省芜湖市弋江区高新技术产业开发区服务外包产业园1号楼301室(申报承诺)


安徽良策文化传媒有限公司创立于2017年,注册资本500万,是一家集前期策划、视频拍摄、后期制作及营销于一体的互联网传媒企业,在互联网广告传播领域我们更加专注于“市场与服务”,为客户量身定做策划方案,不断追求创新和完美,以助更多合作伙伴腾飞。  我们拥有一批专业的、年轻的、高素质的工作团队,完善的运作管理流程,严谨的工作作风和良好的客户信誉。自创办以来,时刻关注市场动态,强调专业性与服务性的完美结合,以自己的诚挚和信誉赢得了众多客户的认可与信赖。 Anhui Liangce Culture Media Co., Ltd. was founded in 2017, with the service content of advertising and related industries, such as film and TV play promotion, activity planning, brand marketing, artist packaging, commercial deduction and so on. In the field of advertising communication, we are more focused on "market and service", tailor-made plans for customers, constantly seeking innovation and perfection to help more partners to take off. We have a group of professional, young and high-quality work team, perfect operation management process, rigorous work style and good customer reputation. Since it was founded, we always pay attention to the market dynamics, emphasize the perfect combination of professionalism and service, and win the recognition and trust of many customers with their sincerity and reputation.
